1:1 Coaching

IMAGINE what your life would be like if you confidently followed your intuition.
WHAT would you be like if you were passionately pursuing your purpose?
HOW would this improve your relationships and quality of life?

how it works
During your transformative sessions, coach Grey Hunt will support you utilizing the Warrior Medicine 3 pillar method of Introspection, Inspiration and Experience. Each session will be curated specifically to your cutting edge of personal development.
This is an opportunity to have someone really see you, and a mirror to see yourself. You will feel safe in this space to express frustrations without judgement and receive new perspectives. Experience the power to visualize new possibilities and live them.
Learning effective processing and communication tools are proven to benefit your personal and professional relationships. Turn your fear to courage and doubt into faith. Create fulfilling goals and attainable strategies to achieve them.
powerful results

Knowing yourself in depth means you show up with a greater sense of self-worth, and confidence. You are responsive rather than reactive to life’s challenges.
Such clarity enhances all aspects of your life, including career, financial decisions, physical well-being, relationships, and stress management.
From our clients
Through my coaching sessions, I was able to not only discover the root cause of the misalignment but was given the tools to grow even past my own expectations both as a leader at work, a father, and as a husband. Grey’s guidance has been profoundly life changing. I am able to handle any situation and recently executed a $10 million contract, which was 5 times more than the previous one. Grey has helped me level up in all aspects of my life and I truly believe I can do anything I set my mind to! ~Tony

Single session: $299, a minimum of one (1) hour.
Monthly retainer plan: $500 to $1,000 per month, with 6-month and 12-month commitment options. 2-4 sessions within a 30-day period (depending on which plan is chosen), with each session a minimum of one (1) hour. Access and discounts offered to Warrior Medicine events.
10-week self mastery program: $5,000 with a total of ten (10) sessions. One (1) session per week, 1.5 to 2 hours per session, over a 10-week period. Access and discounts offered to Warrior Medicine events.
Sessions are conducted in-person or video chat (i.e. Zoom or Skype). Alternative methods are available, such as telephone or online, if requested.